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Born: 1884** –  died: 7 Mar 1925
Clothed - 1911**

The prayers of all are asked for Brother Ernest who died on March 7th, 1925, fortified with the Rites of the Church, in the 41st year of his age.

He was born at Haslingden, Lancashire, and he spent his days until he was 27 in the shelter of his home, as from childhood he had always been delicate. In the year 1911 he came to Ampleforth and till his death he lived as an Oblate Brother, doing his daily duties with fidelity and keeping peace within himself and with all. He was ever gentle and unselfish, and always tried to do what he could for the convenience of others. To his parents and relatives his death was a great shock, for they loved him dearly, and we offer to them our sympathy and the promise of our prayers. His Brethren miss his gentle presence and will not forget him. His unselfish life was edifying to all of us who knew him so intimately in the daily routine of the monastery, and we realise that 'of such is the kingdom of heaven.' May he rest in peace.


Details from the Abbey Necrology

Sources: AJ 30:3 (1925) 195
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