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Born: 12 Jul 1909 –  died: 12 Jan 1966
Clothed - 1936
Solemn Vows- 1941
Priest - 29 Jun 1942

Fr Cyprian Thompson died on 12th January, in the West Cumberland hospital at Whitehaven, at the early age of 57. Fr Cyprian was a native of Brownedge, and although born in an Ampleforth parish, it was to Buckfast Abbey that he went to be a novice in 1936. He had been at school in Preston and had trained to be an architect before deciding to try his vocation. He was ordained in 1942, but three years later he left Buckfast to work on one of the Ampleforth parishes and he was appointed to Workington; he remained in West Cumberland for the rest of his priestly life. In 1954 he went to Warwick Bridge and became Parish Priest there in 1964. Fr Cyprian always retained a great affection for Buckfast and he would have been happy to remain there but for the fact that his health seemed to prosper better in another part of England. Buckfast's loss was Ampleforth's gain, and this was increasingly realized by our Community after Fr Cyprian had transferred his stability to the Conventus of Ampleforth. His new brethren had trusted the monastic spirit which he had gained at Buckfast and there were many in the Community who would consult him on his visits to the monastery when he came for meetings of the Abbot's Council. His advice on building projects was valued and he gave his time and energy generously to various Diocesan commissions. He was a true monk, with a love for the Liturgy and an exemplary spirit of obedience. He suffered his first heart attack early in December, characteristically refused to take things easily and a second attack early in January left him very weak. The Requiem was sung by the Abbot, in the presence of the Bishop of Lancaster, in the Church at Workington. He was buried in his parish at Warwick Bridge. To his sister and brothers we offer our condolences.


Details from the Abbey Necrology

PETER CYPRIAN THOMPSON      12 January 1966
1909   12 Jul       Born Bamber Bridge
               Educ Preston Grammar School
1936           Clothed at Buckfast
1937           Temporary Vows
1941           Solemn Vows
1942   29 Jun       Priest
1945           Lent by the Abbot of Buckfast to Workington
1951           Transferred to St Laurence's
1954           Assistant at Warwick Bridge
1964           Parish Priest at Warwick Bridge
1966   12 Jan       Died at Warwick Bridge
               Buried at Warwick Bridge

Sources: AJ 71:3 (1966) 397
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